Overcome Obstacles: Launch Your Online Business Today!

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Launch Your Dream Business Today!

Transform Your Dream Business into Reality Now! Grab Your Free ‘Kickstart Guide’ to Evaluate Your Readiness and Business Idea.

It doesn’t work, doesn’t exist.

As entrepreneurs, we tend to see obstacles everywhere.

And as aspiring entrepreneurs, we especially fear these obstacles.

My husband and I had several businesses—though not online—and every new idea he proposed initially triggered my skepticism.I would often think, “Umm! What if…?”

However, over time, I learned that these initial doubts were just thoughts, not facts. I realized that every obstacle could be transformed into a strategy.

The key is to focus on solutions rather than problems.

In the second lesson of my free 9-day “Launch Your Online Business” course, I discuss how to evaluate your readiness to start.

One common topic is finding the time to start an online business.

Many women say, “I don’t have enough time to…”. I used to think the same way, not realizing that I have the same 24 hours as every other solopreneur, including moms.

It’s not about lacking time; it’s about planning effectively.

Yes, you can start an online business even with a full-time job.

The secret lies in using your time efficiently.

Over the years, I’ve developed a planning system that works well for me.

Let’s dive into how you can use your time effectively right from the start to kickstart your online business.

Making Time for Your Online Business

  • Do you have a regular schedule?
  • Do you plan your time already?

Take a look at a typical day and identify where you could find time to work on your business.

Ask yourself: How much time can I realistically dedicate to my business each day or week?

You don’t need a lot of time—just one hour can be enough. Choose a time when you can fully focus on your work without interruptions.

If you’re serious about building an online business, you should make it a priority in your life. However, this doesn’t mean you need to devote most of your time to it.

Once you’ve identified some free time in your daily routine, you can start planning your tasks.

Short reminder:

Effective time management is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance while pursuing your entrepreneurial goals.

Setting Realistic Goals for Your Online Business

When I started my first blog, I set huge goals for months and years ahead. However, as a beginner, these goals overwhelmed me. So, I decided to set weekly goals instead.

Weekly goals are more manageable and easier to focus on.

Think about what you can realistically achieve in one week by reviewing the time you have available.

For example, your goal for the first week could be to evaluate your business model and identify your ideal subscriber or customer.

Breaking Down Your Weekly Goals

Once you know your weekly goal, brainstorm a list of tasks needed to achieve it. Sort these tasks by priority.

This requires detailed work, as you need to write down every small task, including those like researching.

Additionally, estimate how much time you will likely need for each task.

This helps you plan your week more effectively and ensures you stay on track to achieve your goal.

Scheduling Tasks Effectively

Take each task and schedule it on your calendar.

I recommend using Google Calendar, which I use myself.

  • You can access it on any device.
  • It updates across all of them.
  • You can also set reminders and recurring appointments.

When scheduling your tasks, be specific about the result you want to achieve.

Instead of writing “Working on my business,” schedule something like “Research how to start a Substack publication.”

This way, you know exactly what your outcome will be and are more likely to focus on the right work.

This approach is called “result work” rather than just being busy.

Committing to Your Schedule

This is crucial.

The best planning is useless if you don’t do the work.

You might feel resistance when it comes to working on your online business—this is totally normal and human.

Regardless of how much resistance you feel, stay committed to yourself and the schedule you set. Do the work, no matter what.

Afterward, you’ll feel even greater because you have created something new.

Ready to Start Your Online Business?

What do you think? Still no time to fulfill your dream and start your own online business to earn your first dollar?

Take the first step and plan your first week. At the end of the week, reflect on what went well and what didn’t. Then, you can make new decisions and plan again.

​​P.S. I have created a simple and helpful “30-Day Online Business Kickstart Planner.” This planner provides you with a structured, day-by-day guide to starting your online business. It includes actionable tasks, tips, and resources for each day to help you navigate through the initial steps of setting up and growing your business.

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